A site for technical interview questions, brain teasers, puzzles, quizzles (whatever the heck those are) and other things that make you think!
some of you may have easily solved the pill weighing problem posed here. If so, you are going to love this problem. It is similar but much more difficult.
from my buddy Tom:
Ok, here’s a tough one (i thought). There are no “aha!” tricks – it requires straightforward deductive-reasoning.
Not really much to solve 🙂
Part I
(you can’t use paper, you have to figure it out in your head)
i have a black triangle, a white triangle, a black circle and a white circle. if i gave you a shape (triangle or circle) and a color (black or white), the “frobby” items would be those that had either the shape or the color, but not both. that is, in order to be frobby, the item must be of the specified color OR the specified shape, but not both the specified shape AND the specified color. i’m thinking of a shape and a color in my head and i tell you that the white triangle is frobby. can you tell me the “frobbiness” of the other items?
Create an XOR gate using only NAND gates. (BTW, mostly all circuit problems assume you have two inputs plus 0 and 1 also as inputs).
You may be able to find the solution on the discussion forum.
Did you ever wonder how they make those pillsbury cookie dough rolls with the intricate faces inside them? Look here and notice the intricate design they have somehow injected into their cookie rolls? If you examine the roll closely there is no seam between the normal dough and the colored shape, but somehow they get that inside the roll. I emailed them asking them how they do it and they told me it was “doughboy magic”.
I offer to play a card game with you using a normal deck of 52 cards. the rules of the game are that we will turn over two cards at a time. if the cards are both black, they go into my pile. if they are both red, they go into your pile. if there is one red and one black, they go into the discard pile.
A line of 100 airline passengers is waiting to board a plane. they each hold a ticket to one of the 100 seats on that flight. (for convenience, let’s say that the nth passenger in line has a ticket for the seat number n.)
At one point, a remote island’s population of chameleons was divided as follows:
Each time two different colored chameleons would meet, they would change their color to the third one. (i.e.. If green meets red, they both change their color to blue.) is it ever possible for all chameleons to become the same color? why or why not?”